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Funny Signs

Funny Signs With Sayings 

Wholesale signs by Knock on Wood. This is a preview of our collection of funny signs with sayings. To shop all the signs below and more, create a wholesale account here. 


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Funny Signs by SKU

S195 We Will Drink No Wine Before Its Time: It's Time

S202 He Cleans Fish, Why Not the House?

S213 It's Not Easy Being the Queen

S229 The Witch is In

S231 Out of My Mind, Back In 5 Minutes

S232 Gone To Therapy

S237 My Cat Lets Me Live Here

S238 I Have Reached the Age Where happy Hour is a Nap

S239 This is a Self Cleaning Kitchen, Please Clean Up After yourself

S250 Whatever

S253 Friends Welcome, Relatives By Appointment

S256 Yield to the Princess

S257 The Great Oz has spoken

S263 I Smile Because I Don't Have the Slightest Idea What's Going On

S268 Life Hasn't Been the Same Since That House Dropped On My Sister

S269 I Never Repeat Gossip so Listen Carefully

S270 No Husband Was Ever Shot While Doing the Dishes

S273 Dear Santa, I Want it All

S274 Don't Believe Everything You Think

S275 I  Took a Pain  Pill, Why Are You still Here?

S276 I Can Only Please One Person  Per Day. Today Is Not Your Day, Tomorrow Doesn't Look Good Either

S279 My Mind Wandered and Never Came Back

S284 Smile if You're Not Wearing Underwear

S285 Yesterday Was the Last Day for Complaints

S288 It's Good to Be Queen

S296 Mirror, Mirror, on the Wall, I am My Mother After All

S302 What if the Hokey Pokey is Really What it's All About?

S304 Now That Food Has Replaced Sex in My Life, I Can't Even Get Into My Own Pants

S305 Put on Your Big Girl Pants and Deal With It

S312 We Are Going to Live Happily Ever After, Even If It Kills Us!

S317 Life's a Game, Golf  is serious

S320 I Like to Cook With Wine, Sometimes I Add it to The Food

S323 Shop Like You Never Have To Pay the Bills

S330 What's a Little Dog Hair Among Friends

S331 What's a Little Cat Hair Among Friends

S333 It Is What It Is

S351 If it Weren't for Last Minute, Nothing Would Get Done

S352 I'd Like to Help You Out, Which Way Did You Come In?

S356 Who Are These Kids and Why Are They Calling me Mom?

S358 My Name is "NO, NO, Bad Dog!", What's Yours?

S360 The Beatings Will Continue Until Moral Improves

S362 Save the Earth, It's the Only  Planet With Beer

S363 Save the Earth, It's the Only Planet With Wine

S365 Nobody gets in To See the Wizard, Not Nobody, Not No How!

S367 Danger Men Doing Laundry

S368 Two Dinner Choices: Take It  or Leave It

S369 Smile, It Confuses People

S370 If We Can Send a Man to the Moon, Why Not All of Them?

S371 Still Crazy After All These Beers

S372 Never Stand Between Me and My Coffee

S376 No Matter What the Question Is, Chocolate is The Answer

S378 We've Been Through a Lot Together, And Most Of It Was Your Fault

S382 What Part of Woof Don't You Understand?

S383 What Part of Meow Don't You Understand?

S384 Meditation It's Not What You Think

S385 I Hate Four Letter Words...Wash, Cook, Dust & Iron

S386 Next Mood swing In Five Minutes

S387 Did the Wizard Ever Get Back to You on That Brain?

S389 I Started With Nothing, I Still Have Most of It

S390 All My Kids Have Paws

S391 When Did My Wild Oats Turn Into shredded Wheat?

S392 It's Not a Coincidence Man's Best Friend Doesn't Talk

S393 I'm Just A Raggedy Ann In A Barbie Doll World

S408 Pa is Boss, As Everyone Knows, But What Ma Says Goes

S418 Dogs Welcome, People Tolerated

S422 Procrastination Isn’t The Problem, It’s The Solution, So Procrastinate Now, Don’t Put it Off

S426 I Should Have Bought It, When I Saw It!

S427 I Have Mixed Drinks About Feelings

S445 Beauty Is In The Eye Of The Beer-Holder

S446 Dear Brain…Shut Up

S451 In Dog Beers I've Only Had One

S452 It's Only Funny If It Happens To My Sister

s456 Laugh at Your Problems, Everyone Else Does

s457 If Each Day is a Gift, I'd Like to Know Where I Can Return Monday

S465 On Lake Time

S466 I keep hitting the escape key, but I'm still here.

S467 NOVINOPHOBIA the fear of running out of wine

S468 Who Fired The Maid?

s815 M is for Mother Not For Maid

s816 Got Wine?

s818 Guests Bring Us Happiness, Some by Coming, Some By Going

s821 Your Husband Called, He Said You Can Buy Anything You Want

s822 If You Are Grouchy, Irritable, or Just Plain Mean There Will Be A $10 Charge for Putting up With You.

s825 Of All The Smells I Ever Smelt, I Never Smelt A Smell That Smelt, Like That Smell I Smelt Smelled.


s831 You Can't Make Footprints In The Sands Of Time If You're Sitting On Your Butt. And Who Wants To Make Buttprints In The Sand Of Time?